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It supports the Universitys enhancement agenda by providing a structured opportunity for each Panellist to identify innovative practice, as well as ways in which this might be extended further. It means that each Panellist has a separate record of areas that they would wish to pursue that can be used as a reference during the event. Panellists are asked to note that there is no expectation to write in each of the boxes in the right hand column. However, it is essential to provide a summary of priority areas on the final page. It is helpful if this can make explicit which areas you consider essential for discussion with the Team, as well as any which may be less important but of interest, should time permit. In some cases, individual feedback that is not explicitly discussed at the event may be fed back to the Team in writing, either before or after the event, and sometimes to help address conditions. Typically, this applies where Panellists identify very specific points in the documentation, or multiple examples illustrate one point, but only one example is discussed with the Team at the event. The consolidated checklist and preparing for the review On receipt of the individual checklists, GQE will summarise feedback into a consolidated version. The consolidated checklist will be agreed with the Convener no later than five working days before the review. This will be provided to the Team no later than three working days in advance of the review. The consolidated checklist serves the following purposes: It provides an overview of themes to the Team that allows for more focused preparation in advance of their discussion with the Panel. It helps the Convener and Secretary set the draft agenda for the discussion with the Team. It serves as a reference point for all parties during the event. It forms part of the formal record of the event for future reference and audit purposes. Within the consolidated checklist, the priority areas will be highlighted to the Team with a clear explanation for this priority status. The Team will be asked to note that, whilst the consolidated checklist provides a good indication of the agenda for the event, the final order of business will be confirmed only in the first private meeting of the Panel on the day of the review. Further, it is open to Panellists to raise additional issues at that meeting, or throughout the discussion with the Team. During the review Review events provide opportunities to engage in philosophical, academic and professional debate about all aspects of the Programme under consideration. The consolidated checklist should support rather than inhibit this debate. It is, therefore, not intended that Panels will work through the checklist from start to finish. Instead, key themes will be identified, and the Convener, with support from the Panel and Secretary, will manage the agenda in such a way that discussion can flow with priority to substantive issues, in particular related to the student experience and learning, teaching and assessment. Training It is recognised that Conveners and Panels may welcome training on how best to use the checklist, and GQE staff can discuss individual needs. Further information If you would like further information about completing this checklist or about any aspect of the review process, please contact:  HYPERLINK "mailto:dmartin1@qmu.ac.uk" Dawn Martin, Assistant Secretary, Governance and Quality Enhancement Thank you for your participation in this event. PROGRAMME TITLEDATE OF REVIEW EVENTDEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF COMPLETED CHECKLISTNOTES COMPLETED BY (NAME) 1Programme management and operation during the period of approval YesNoComments / Commendations / Issues for discussion with the Programme Team1aIs there evidence that the Programme Teams previously expressed aspirations and ambitions have been fulfilled during the period since the previous approval (validation or review) event? 1bHas the Programme met the needs of the community during the period of approval? 1cHas һ been able to provide an environment in which the Programme can flourish? (һ internal panellists only)  2Proposed changes to the ProgrammeYesNoComments / Commendations / Issues for discussion with the Programme Team2aAre proposed changes to the Programme clearly articulated and appropriate? 2bDo the proposed amendments take account of changes to external reference points, changes in student demand, employer expectations and employment opportunities? 2cIs there evidence of student input to the review of the Programme? 2dHave proposed changes been clearly communicated to students currently on the Programme? 2eAre appropriate transitional arrangements in place for students likely to be affected by changes to the Programme?2fFor undergraduate programmes only) Has due consideration been given to the impact of the proposed changes on opportunities for articulation from FE? 3Programme title, overall aims and objectivesYesNoComments / Commendations / Issues for discussion with the Programme Team3aDoes the proposed title adequately reflect the content of the Programme and its overall aims and objectives? 3bAre the overall Programme aims and objectives clearly articulated, professionally and academically relevant and appropriate to the specified level? 3cIs the level of the Programme appropriate and consistent with the  HYPERLINK "https://scqf.org.uk/" Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework? 3dIs the Programme consistent with external reference points? Please consider subject benchmark statements and requirements of professional and statutory bodies. 3eDoes the Programme meet the needs of the proposed student target group? 3fAre the overall aims and objectives of the Programme consistent with the Universitys  HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/our-strategic-plan/" purpose, values and strategic goals? (һ internal Panellists only) 3gDoes the Programme satisfy the requirements of the Universitys generic graduate attributes? (һ internal Panellists only) 3hDoes the Programme adequately reflect the principles and actions within the  HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/quality-enhancement-and-external-context/quality-enhancement/" \l ":~:text=һ%20Student%20Experience%20Strategy%202021,experience%2C%20as%20set%20out%20below." Universitys Student Experience Strategy (2021-2026)? (һ internal Panellists only)  Student Experience Strategy (2021-2026) principles All һ students experience a transformative journey through outstanding learning and teaching and co- and extra-curricular opportunities that enable them to achieve their individual goals and enhance their well-being. We share individual and collective responsibility for enhancing and placing the student experience at the heart of our thinking and practice. We establish, maintain and contribute to communities and a learning environment that supports our students to flourish and succeed and actively influences wider society. 4Demand for the Programme, recruitment and admissionsYesNoComments / Commendations / Issues for discussion with the Programme Team4aAre the anticipated student numbers clearly stated and realistic? Is there a maximum number of students that can be supported in any one cohort? 4bIs there sufficient evidence of demand for the Programme? Please consider evidence of consultation with prospective students, employers or other evidence as appropriate. 4cDoes the validation documentation include details of comparable awards locally and nationally (or overseas, if applicable), and is it reasonable to assume the Programme can compete with these awards? 4dAre the proposed marketing strategies clearly stated and appropriate? 4eAre the criteria for admission transparent and appropriate? Please consider whether the criteria are consistent with һ regulations and requirements of any relevant professional and statutory bodies. 4fAre the criteria for admission consistent with criteria for other programmes at a similar level with similar content and learning outcomes? 4gAre appropriate mechanisms in place to support Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL)? 4hIs there sufficient evidence that the Programme will contribute to widening access and engaging students from non-traditional backgrounds and under-represented groups?  5Structure and contentYesNoComments / Commendations / Issues for discussion with the Programme Team5aAre the Programme structure, entry and exit points and routes for progression clearly presented and appropriate? 5bIs the rationale for choice of core and elective modules clear and have these been included in the documentation submitted to the Panel? 5cDoes the Programme structure promote flexibility in attendance? Consider, for example, whether the programme is accessible for full- and part-time learners. 5dIs there alignment between the Programme aims and learning outcomes and are the learning outcomes realistic and measurable? 5eDoes the curriculum ensure the students experience has a logic and integrity clearly linked to the purpose of the Programme? 5fIs there an appropriate balance within the curriculum in relation to academic and practical elements, personal development, transferable skills, breadth and depth? 5gDoes the curriculum promote progression so that the demands on the learner increase? 5hIs there evidence that the curricular content is informed by current research and scholarship? New from January 2024: please refer to the Validation and Review toolkit for EDI, Decolonising and Sustainability (available from GQE) when considering the following two questions. 5iDoes the Programme offer opportunities to examine and explore the impact of colonialism and work in partnership with students to embed non-Western histories, perspectives, and practices? 5jDoes the Programme develop a wide range of sustainability practices, theories, and opportunities (with a focus on Sustainable Development Goals) in the programme and module materials, assignment briefs, learning outcomes, curriculum content and assessment design?  6Learning, teaching and assessmentYesNoComments / Commendations / Issues for discussion with the Programme Team6aAre the methods of learning and teaching clearly identified and appropriate? 6bDo learning, teaching and assessment methods promote student achievement and enable students to meet the intended learning outcomes? 6cAre notional hours of student effort clearly stated, appropriate and consistent across modules? 6dIs the volume and nature of assessment appropriate? 6eIs the volume and nature of assessment consistent across modules? 6fDoes the assessment strategy have an adequate formative function in developing student abilities? 6gDo you have any comments on individual modules? It is important for Panels to consider the detail of all modules, drawing on  HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/resources-for-programme-leaders/" һ guidance for completion New from January 2024: please refer to the Validation and Review toolkit for EDI, Decolonising and Sustainability (available from GQE) when considering the following question.6hDoes the Programme centre Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity with an intersectional lens across programme and module materials, learning outcomes, curriculum content and assessment design? һs HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/inclusive-learning-and-teaching/"Inclusive Learning and Teaching Policy will be a helpful reference point.  7Programme management, quality assurance and enhancementYes NoComments / Commendations / Issues for discussion with the Programme Team7aAre arrangements for programme management and quality assurance consistent with University policy and relevant best practice? (һ internal Panellists only)  7bAre the arrangements for work-based learning clearly articulated and appropriate? 7cAre arrangements for work-based learning consistent with the  HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/en/quality-code/advice-and-guidance/work-based-learning" Quality Assurance Agencys (QAA) Advice and Guidance on Work-based Learning? The HYPERLINK "https://www.agcas.org.uk/agcas-work-experience-standard"AGCAS Work Experience Standard may be another useful reference point. 7dAre the programme regulations consistent with University regulations and any relevant professional or statutory body requirements? 7eAre programme specific regulations clearly articulated and appropriate? 7fFor collaborative programmes only: are arrangements for programme management equivalent to arrangements for һ in house programmes? (һ internal Panellists only)  8The student experienceYesNoComments / Commendations / Issues for discussion with the Programme Team8aAre arrangements for student support, including support for international students and disabled students clearly explained and adequate? 8bDo applicants and students receive clear information on the Programme? Note that a Student Handbook (or equivalent alternative resource) is mandatory for all programmes 8cDo applicants and students know what is expected of them? 8dAre arrangements for Personal Development Planning and/or Career Development Planning clearly articulated and appropriate? 8eAre arrangements for student representation and opportunities for students to provide feedback clearly articulated and appropriate? 8fAre appropriate support systems in place to ensure the quality of experience and high retention rates of students from diverse backgrounds? This includes consideration through Student-Staff Consultative Committee meetings and other mechanisms.   9Staff experienceYesNoComments / Commendations / Issues for discussion with the Programme Team9aIs the collective experience of the Programme Team suitable for the effective delivery of the curriculum and for the overall learning, teaching and assessment strategy? 9bAre appropriate staff development opportunities specified? 9cIs there evidence that staff are supported to enhance the quality of their provision? This may include engaging with the UKPSF, һ CPD Scheme, in scholarship of learning and teaching, developing good practice, or meeting the needs of specific groups of students? 9d Is an appropriate induction programme in place for new members of staff? 9eIs appropriate technical and administrative support available?  Summary Please identify in the space below the key issues that you wish to raise with the Programme Team. It would be appreciated if you could list these in order of priority to help the Convener and Secretary prepare the agenda. Issues for discussion with the Programme Team:  Enhancement One of the overarching aims of our review process is the enhancement of the student learning experience. This happens on two levels: Through development of the individual Programme that is under consideration Thorough sharing best practice arising from all review events across һ this is achieved in many different ways, including: through our committee structure; via newsletters; and incorporation of examples of practice in staff development Are there any aspects of the Programme presented for review that you would especially like to commend? In particular, we would be interested in examples of innovative learning, teaching and assessment practice that contribute directly to the quality of the student learning experience.  Would you like to make any specific suggestions for enhancement based on your own experience as an academic staff member or student, either related to, or separate from, the points listed above?       $%_{   , - Z h   t u  g h ȶȤqq`` hhVCJOJQJ^JaJ hhmCJOJQJ^JaJ hh{%CJOJQJ^JaJ hhCJOJQJ^JaJ#hh5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hh{%5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hh 5CJOJQJ^JaJ hh'!CJOJQJ^JaJ(jhVhVCJUaJmHnHu%$%  , - t u  g h vw^gd $ & Fa$gdV$a$gdVgd$a$gd'!gd'!$a$gd'! vwc<"  }̺̘ hhSK?CJOJQJ^JaJ hh{%CJOJQJ^JaJ hhmCJOJQJ^JaJ#hh{%5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hh5CJOJQJ^JaJ hhVCJOJQJ^JaJ hhCJOJQJ^JaJ5w<  >?$a$gdSK? $ & Fa$gdSK?$a$gdVgd#+,>?@ghiܹp_MM#hh5CJOJQJ^JaJ hVhCJOJQJ^JaJ$hVh>0JCJOJQJ^JaJ$hVh0JCJOJQJ^JaJ)j?hVCJOJQJU^JaJhVCJOJQJ^JaJ#jhVCJOJQJU^JaJ hh{%CJOJQJ^JaJ hhCJOJQJ^JaJ#hh5CJOJQJ^JaJ  kkd?$$Ifl0I H( t0644 layt $Ifgdgd@&gd   9:;<BCDPWXYZ[\]^    ɺvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv hh{%CJOJQJ^JaJ#hhg 5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hh>5CJOJQJ^JaJhV5CJOJQJ^JaJh-5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hh5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hh5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hh{%5CJOJQJ^JaJ.  :;vv $IfgdkdV@$$Ifl0I H( t0644 layt;<BCtk $Ifgd x$Ifgdkd@$$Ifl0I H( 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